Home Orcharding

How we grow your fruit tree for you

All Hollybrook Orchards’ fruit trees are container grown. We do not sell any bareroot trees or fresh potted trees. 



How does this help you?

Container-grown fruit trees have been carefully grown for several years prior to being made available to you. This method ensures that you have a well-developed root system, prior to your planting the tree in your yard. The most important part of your tree is the part that you can’t see – the roots. Good roots give good fruit.


All of our trees are grafted. We combine a root system and a scion (top section) for optimal results. The “knot” which you see in the stem is the “bud union” where we join the two separate plants. The root system was selected for its deep rooting and spreading characteristics to ensure good anchorage for your tree. The scion was chosen for its fruit bearing qualities. The root system is  three years old and the top section is two years old when you receive your tree. Our trees offer you excellent vigor, survivability, and many years of fruit production, if you just give it a little care.


Bareroot trees are dug in the fall, cleaned of the dirt around the roots and stored in a cooler during the winter. They require extra care when they are  planted. This is because their root systems  have been disturbed when they were dug. As much as half of their roots are destroyed in the digging process. They will grow back, but you  need to coddle the tree to coax them back. The tree will grow much less in the first year, because all of its energy will go to restore the root system.


Fruit trees sold in plastic bags or a pot filled with loose soil or sawdust are simply bareroot trees stuck into a pot, with all of the disadvantages mentioned above. Don’t be fooled, they are not container grown trees.

So, insure the success of your home orchard -- plant only mature,  container grown trees with healthy, well developed root systems.  This is the first step to a productive home orchard.